

Monday, August 25, 2014

35 weeks and our new bed frame!

5 more weeks to go!! We are so excited to meet our new little man and can't believe it's a little over month til he arrives. This pregnancy has been very good but the heat is definitely getting to me. I seriously have never been this hot in my life!! Thankfully summer is starting to come to an end and hopefully will be a little cooler in Sept. At least if the humidity could decrease I would be ecstatic. :)

Ryan made our bed frame and had it finished a little but ago but I haven't gotten around to posting it. It is AWESOME! I have to brag about my husband a little but. He seriously can fix and build anything and everything. He is not just an engineer, he's an engineer! He's so smart, ambitious and creative and has been able to save us a lot of money and make some neat things. We are very blessed and he's used his talents and gifts not only to bless our family, but is always serving others. I am one lucky lady :)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

It's too hot here!

Vince is such a smart boy! He loves to read and talks all the time. I don't know how's he's compared to other children but he's a reader. He likes when we read together and is now starting to do it on his own and it's so cute!!

This weekend  and past week was HOT!! I mean upper 90s and 100s and HUMID! That's what kills me down here is the humidity. Oh and probably being almost 9 months pregnant! We decided to go down to Tybee Island near Savannah,GA to go to the beach before summer was over and I was too pregnant. It was literally 100 degrees if not a little hotter at the beach but we figured we could stay in the water the whole time. Well for whatever reason there was a ton of jellyfish in the water and it was a risk of getting stung. I honestly did not care I was so boiling that I ran in a dunked myself and was fine. I tried going back again 10 min later and wasn't so lucky. I got stung on the ankle! It's like a bad bee sting and hurts for 30 min leaving some welts then goes away but I didn't feel like getting stung again and we definitely did't want Vince to get stung. So we hung out right on the shore and Vince had a ball! Before he'd been timid about the ocean but he was all for it this time, running all around and talking with all the people near him! haha We'd play in the shore then go to our umbrella, sit down and drink then go back to the shore. We tried pouring water on ourselves but you can only do it for so long. We stayed for a few hours but Vince and I were done. It was just TOO HOT! I've never been more grateful for air conditioning in my life! :)

Vince had also been working on his shot :)

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Summer Life and a New Job!

Summer has been fun! Since we got back from Washington my little brother Nick was visiting his cousins who live like 5 miles from us! So we took him out to ice cream one night and Vince LOVED it! It was his first own cone and he gobbled it up! :)

Our garden has been doing awesome and we even canned some stewed tomatoes a few weeks ago. Vince LOVES and I mean LOVES the cherry tomatoes! Ryan dug up some of the carrots to see how they were doing and they're making good progress.

I LOVE this picture!! This is from Washington at the beach house. Vince loves his daddy!

I got a job!Since we moved to Georgia and had Vince I hadn't been back to work and felt fine about it. Well a few months ago I got the impression that I should seek prn work. After praying about it, we felt right to go back to work very part time to keep up my skills. It's been 2 years since I worked but everything came back really quick which has been a huge blessing from Heavenly Father. It's been great how everything has worked out well. I'm only working twice a month on a med/surg floor which is perfect for our family. I really didn't want to work much at all because I want to be home with Vince but didn't want to lose my license. It's been fun and I'm enjoying it!

32 weeks!

I had a baby shower for my friend yesterday so Ryan took Vince to the park. He loves the slide and loves watching this video :)

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Rest of Washington

Washington was tons of fun! It was so great to see and spend time with family!

Ryans brother Shawn and family, and his sister Holly and family came over one Sunday and we got to hang out for most of the day. It was great to catch up and the kids to play

Vince loved these chairs and to take the cushions off and on

He loved playing with uncle Harrison

Grandma and Vince at the beach

We went on a few bike rides and got to go on a fun trail by grandma which was gorgeous. Vince loved the bike trailer.

Vince's hair was getting a little long and mulletish. It took so long for him to get hair but it was time. Megan did a great job cutting it and Vince did really well too! 

He looked so much more grown up to me! I couldn't believe the difference it made and he rocks it!

One day we went to Northwest Trek and had fun. It's like a zoo of the Northwest animals and there's a tram you can ride to see different ones. It's pretty cool and some animals are super close!

The last day we had a big party at grandmas to celebrate mom and grandpas birthday. It was really fun and EVERYONE came! It's so hard to get everyone to come at the same place and time because there's a lot of us and everyone has busy lives. We had great food, people and a great time. We played wiffle ball for a while and had a blast being together and talking. We miss everyone and hope to see them soon!