

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Georgia the New Chapter

Here's to a new chapter in our life!! We got down to Georgia about 2 weeks ago and have been getting settled in. Ryan is really liking his new job at John Deere and is working with the hydraulics in current products. We love our new ward and being in Georgia. We love our new home! Its so fun being in our own place and not having to worry about upstairs or downstairs neighbors!! Ryan loves the garage and can actually work on our cars and things without having to go anywhere. It was really neat when we moved in they already had a tomato, green pepper and cucumber plant growing!! I was so excited, especially since the topsy turvy incident a few months ago. haha So I bought 2 more tomato plant, because you can buy them this late in the season because it's like a jungle, and started working on my potted "garden." The weather hasn't been as hot as we thought, don't get me wrong, its usually upper 80s to 90s everyday and HUMID!! Plus the cicadas, locus and whatever else lives in the trees are LOUD!! I mean really loud, it's like they are competing with each other, but things are great. We have been so blessed by the Lord and know this is where we are supposed to be!

19 weeks!! We find out the gender on the 21st and are so excited!!
 Here's our first home!! haha You can see my potted "garden" out front. The backyard doesn't have                     enough sun

                                                                         Living room


                                                        The backyard with a cute little swing!

                 Ryans garage, messing from packing boxes and a new table we got but its still a garage!

1 comment:

  1. Oh you're house is so cute! Glad you guys are doing so well. Annnd you have such a cute baby belly too!
