

Monday, October 19, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday Jakers!

My baby is 1
Wow, I can't believe how fast his first year went. It definitely felt faster than Vince's first year and I've been told it will get faster and faster. I've already had visions of them going to kindergarten, passing the sacrament, going to highschool, leaving on missions!! haha
Mr Jake pancake is such a perfect person. I remember thinking when we just had Vince, how can I love someone as much as Vince? But the moment I first saw him and held him in my arms, I knew. Your love grows in a way that you really can't explain, and I feel fully comprehend. Jake is so precious to me. He's a entertainer and loves to make us laugh. He's a tough guy but loves to cuddle with me when he's tired. I'll pick him up and he'll lay his head on my chest and suck his thumb. It's the absolute cutest thing I've ever seen and literally melts my heart!
We love you Jake!

Being a mother to Vince and Jake is the best thing that ever happened. I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for the wonderful blessing and opportunity that He has given me to be a mother to His precious children.

Jake's stats:
21 lbs 4oz
29 1/2 inches tall
Can walk but tumbles after some steps, he's in the in between stage
Loves to climb anything and everything
8 teeth with the 2 top molars peaking through and the bottom soon to follow
has recently learned the lovely scream/high pitch talk when he wants something
has his own language, it is so cute to hear him babble
he can say mama, dada (but rarely does), amen and Jesus
loves animals, especially to watch birds flying in the air, he'll point and just stare and babble
loves laughing and playing with Vince

We are so blessed to have so much family around and most everyone was able to come celebrate on his big day. It was actually a little overwhelming and there were some tears but those ended quickly when he tasted the cake :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad we got to come party with Jakers! That year went so fast!
