

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

5 Months

WOW! I seriously can not believe I have a 5 month old! Time really does fly and he is getting BIG!! I looked at him the other day and could really see him changing! haha So he's been able to roll over for about a month but wouldn't do it very often until like 4 days ago. Now he won't stop! He really doesnt roll from front to back much at all but loves rolling from back to front! It's so cute and he's so strong. The downside to this is when I could put him in his crib for a nap or sleep, he would roll on his tummy and then get stuck and start crying. So I'd go flip him back over and 10 seconds later we'd go through the same process again and AGAIN! Thankfully he learned pretty quickly and now likes to sleep on his tummy. I was a little worried at first but I've heard that once they can roll on their tummy they're ok to sleep there. He still has times where he gets stuck and ad but is doing much better. He's sleeping pretty well. He goes to bed around 7:30 and will sleep til 7:30ish and only wake up once.
 We got a Johnny Jump UP and he really likes it! It's so cute to see him bounce and jump around! He's starting to laugh, Ryan is good at getting him to laugh and its soooo cute! A few weeks ago I started blowing through my lips so they would vibrate and make noise (if that makes sense haha) and he was enthralled by it! His eyes would get really big and was so shocked I could do that. Then he started trying to but does it with his tongue and is THE CUTEST!! We love Mr Vince and the joy he brings to us! We are so grateful Heavenly Father has blessed us with such a happy, healthy boy and so grateful to be sealed as an eternal family!

Ryan is making him smile! He loves his daddy!

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