

Monday, December 21, 2015

Thank you

We recently moved and I've fallen behind on the blog. As I was going back on my pictures to see where I had left off it was from Veterans Day and I knew I had to post about it.
We lived right near a National Cemetery for Veterans and my paternal grandfather is actually buried there. He had lived in Washington during part of his life when my dad was younger, but had lived all over the country. It's neat how he chose to be buried here and how close it was to us.
On Veterans day the boys and I went over to see my grandpas grave. It was great to see all the people there, paying respects to all the soldiers who had given their sacrifice and service to make this land free. I love the saying that freedom isn't free, because it's so true.

My dad served in the Air Force Reserves for 20 years and was active duty during Deseret Storm in the early 90s.


The boys were good as I tried to explain a cemetery, haha, but had fun running around in the grass.

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