

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Look at that yard!

I love where we live!
We have been so blessed and we KNOW it was a blessing from Heavenly Father to be able to be in the house we are in. It is so awesome to have land and I don't think I could ever go back to being in a neighborhood. It's so great for the boys to have space to run around, play, and be free!
But with all the land comes the upkeep, which is fun too. The yard was in decent shape when we moved in but we've done a lot of work and it's starting to show!

Ryan found this John Deere mower on craigslist for a good price and the boys (including Ryan) all love it. Whenever Ryan needs to mow the lawn the boys have to take turns riding with daddy.

Can't beat this view!

I wish I had some before pictures but my mom, aunts and grandma came over one day and we did tons of work and weeding to the front and I love how it turned out! 

1 comment:

  1. Love your new home & the pics of the kiddos of course! We love being in the country too!
