

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Best 2 Years!

Today is Ryan and my 2nd anniversary! I can't believe how fast 2 years has gone by but its been amazing! I truly married my best friend and continue to get to know and love Ryan everyday! He is such a strength to me and has helped me grow in so many ways! I could not ask for a better husband and so grateful to be sealed to him for time and all eternity!

Celebrating our 1st anniversary, we went to Yosemite and climbed Yosemite Falls
Seattle Temple, where we were married
My first time visiting Wisconsin, lake Michigan is behind us
When we were dating
Our wedding day!


  1. Awww Happy Anniversary guys! So glad your in the fam Paige!

  2. Time has flown by so fast! Glad you guys are so close to us, you are both so fun!

  3. I love that picture of you guys in front of the temple1

  4. hey! Happy anniversary to y'all too! We are renting a house off of Wrightsboro! You can probably find a house real cheap to rent!
