

Friday, April 6, 2012

New Truck!

We bought a new truck!! Its a 1500 Chevy Silverado 2003! We got an awesome deal on it because the speedometer was broken but Ryan was able to fix it for like $30! He truly is amazing! We love it and our so excited and blessed to have it!

This is our old truck which we will never forget! It has been so much fun and is a beast! We love to go off-roading in it and have fun!


  1. Wow that's so exciting! Looks nice!

  2. What'd you do with the old truck? I liked that truck to! You always new when Ryan was coming!

    1. I know I love the Toyota too! We still have it but are trying to sell it! Interested?

  3. Hey Girl! You're new truck look s so sweet! I am glad you got such a handy man. So I remember that when we text in September around my birthday you had mentioned you guys were gonna start trying to have a baby. How is that going? If that is not to forward to ask. If so just let me know.
