

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sweet Home Alabama

I always try to think of these "catchy" title and they usually end up being corny and I just laugh. No, we are not moving to Alabama, but a couple weeks ago Vince and I went to visit one of my best friends', Jaynee. Ryan went on a business trip/convention for a week and we decided to go visit friends. It worked out well because her husband was away on military training too so the kids could play and we could get together and help pass the time. Jaynee lives in Fort Rucker, AL which is about 6 hrs away. We had tons of fun even though the weather wasn't the best. We went to the park, a petting zoo, frozen yogurt, a lake and just hung out and had fun. Vince and Navy got along pretty well, most of the time, but sharing is always a fun factor to throw in the mix, especially since Vince is starting to not want to share, but they did really good and had fun. Navy was a good sport sharing her toys. :)

Jaynee has this awesome double stroller which Vince loved, Navy wasn't the biggest fan at that time! haha

Frozen yogurt

We all loved it. 
Side note: Vince LOVES this short video we watch on youtube called "Elmos song." So before we came we were watching elmos song and he got excited and was "dancing" and bumped his chin on the coffee table and was bleeding! I felt so bad, but he's a trooper. 

Vince loves books and is starting to "read" on his own sometimes! I love watching him learn!

Cool girl

Vince loved this big stuffed giraffe, he went to it all the time

Wednesday we went to this petting zoo. It was pretty neat and saw lots of farm animals. We read farm books a lot so it was fun for Vince to actually see the animals.

He loved the John Deere tractor that one of the owners was driving. He watched it the whole time and kept pointing at it. He says vroom, vroom, a lot when he sees tractors or lawn mowers. So cute!

He didn't quite no what to think of the cowboy, stick your face in the picture, board. haha

Thanks Jaynee and Navy, we had a blast!


  1. Looks like fun!! Little Vince is growing up so fast!

  2. Im glad your friends are so close to you right now. That's so fun! And i love vince's little red shoes!
